如何鼓勵別人如何鼓勵別人27句 如何鼓勵別人 (How to encourage others)1. Way to go. (就該這麼做。 )2. Super. (太酒店兼職好了。)3. You're Special. (你不一般)4. Excellent ( 真棒 !)5. I knew you could do It (我知道你能做的土地買賣)6. I'm proud of you. (我為你而驕傲)7. You're on top of it (你是數一數二的)8. Now you've got G2000it (現在你做到了)9. You're incredible (你簡直難以置信)10. You can do it (你能做到)11. How did you do 售屋網that? (你怎樣完成的?)12. You're improving. (你在進步)13. You're on your way. (你在前進中)14. 帛琉Let's try again. (再試試)15. You're unique. (你太不尋常了)16. Nothing can stop you now. (現在你已關鍵字廣告所向無敵了)17. You'll make It. (你一定會成功的)18. I like the way you handled that. (我欣賞你的做法)酒肉朋友19. You're making progress. (你正在進步)20. I believe you'll handle it . (我確信你能行)21. You 褐藻醣膠really tried. (你確實盡力了)22. You're growing Up. (你長大了)23. You tried hard (你盡力了)24. You 好房網care. (你很認真)25. I have confidence in your judgment (我堅信你的判斷)26. I trust you. (我相信你)27. 酒店經紀Awesome. (真了不起)

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